Make Your Vacation Home Pay For Itself If you own a second home used purely for your own getaways, the tax implications, federal and state, are straightforward. You probably can deduct outlays for mortgage interest and property tax, just as you can with your primary residence. (Property tax deductions won’t be deductible, though, if you are subject to the alternative minimum tax.) Investing Treadmill Pays Off New market investors often think they can get rich quick by buying and selling stock quickly. Although some get lucky, this is not the practice of more seasoned investors. Even when the market crashes, keep the mind set of saving the same amount month after month. There are many sound rules to investing; here are five of them.
Minimize Risks Of DIY Projects Home-improvement projects often call for risky practices, especially for the weekend warriors and the “do-it-yourselfers”. Accidents can happen, and the outcome can range from minor cuts and bruises to life-endangering mishaps. Ten Financial Errors That Parents Often Make MISTAKE – Investing your toddler’s college money too conservatively.
This is the most common mistake according to Kenneth Klegon, a financial planner in Lansing, Mich. “Parents think this is the college money, so they really should be conservative” and put the bulk of their money in bonds and money-market funds. Time for a Picnic According to the American Institute of Architects (AIA), housing demand is shifting toward higher density, smaller households. In ‘Why examine density . . . and why now,’ the AIA outlines how fundamental demographic, social, and political changes make it important to look for opportunities to increase density. To learn more about any of the topics mentioned above, please feel free to contact your Ticor Title Company Sales Executive!
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